Regenerative Real Estate

What is regenerative real estate? In the fewest words, one defintion is

“Regenerative real estate is an age-old system of stewarding the land, acting one with Nature, to expand life.” Avis Kalfsbeek

However, as old as regeneration is, somewhere along the line, the train went off the life-expanding track.

South Dakota farmer Gabe Brown says this, "When I was of the conventional mindset, I used to wake up every day trying to decide what I was going to kill that day. Was it going to be a weed? Was it going to be a fungus? Was it going to be a pest? I was going to kill something every day. Now I wake up thinking about how to get more life onto my operation, and it's much more enjoyable working with life than with death."

 John Kemp of the Regenerative Agriculture podcast has said, 

“…I see no consumer demand of tasteless strawberries…”  


“…when we embrace responsibility, I see people's lives be so strongly associated with finding joy. Over and over, farmers tell us that they're having fun. It's so rewarding to engage in this process of co-creation with natural ecosystems. And to me there seems to be this clear association and connection between assuming responsibility and finding joy in our lives which in today's society we have not nearly enough of."

John Fullerton of the Capital Institute has put more words to regeneration with an 8 principle model. John writes,

"…intelligent system design (and appropriate humility) would suggest using the same universal patterns and principles the cosmos uses to build stable, healthy, and sustainable systems throughout the real world as the model for our human economy, including the manner in which we steward our lands."